Re: Ekstrakcja owoców jarzębiny, a kwas sorbinowy
Witam, ... _Berries_IIsolation of Sorbic Acid from the Mountain Ash Berries
This investigation was primarily carried out to establish the optimum conditions for the separation of sorbic acid, as an enzyme inhibitor, from dry mountain ash berries. The berries were crushed to , and leached with water to produce a reddish juice, which was concentrated to syrup after evaporation. Parasorbic acid was separated from the syrup by steam distillation in the presence of acid. In this study, the optimum experimental results for separation of parasorbic acid were obtained as follows : (1) the most applicable leaching time of the dry ash berries was about 6 hours at room temperature and less than 4 hours at and (2) in steam distillation, after removal of malic acid, addition of 30 ml of sulfuric acid per 50 ml of syrup extracted from 100 g of the ash berries was very adequate. The purity of sorbic acid obtained experimentally through the isomerization technique was qualitatively examined by spectrophotometeric, paper chromatographic, and melting point measurements.
w skrócie :
Ekstrakcja wodna sproszkowanych owoców -> zagęszczenie ekstraktu -> destylacja w obecności kwasu siarkowego -> kwas parasorbowy
Przydatną informacją jest fakt, że kwas sorbowy sublimuje w 80°C, przez co można go w ten sposób spróbować oczyścić...
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