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Suplementy na bazie s adenosylmethioniny 
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Dołączył(a): 24 mar 2018, o 17:30
Posty: 2
Post Suplementy na bazie s adenosylmethioniny

Na wstępie, jestem zielony więc braki merytoryczne będą powodowały to że pytania mogą być zadane źle. Chodzi mi o możliwość wykorzystania s adenosylmethioniny w produkcji suplementów. Chcę zacząć produkcję od zera więc chcę zakupić półprodukty bezpośrednio od producenta.

Pytanie brzmi, na co zwracać uwagę? Podobno musi być z dodatkiem soli stabilizujących?

Jak do tej pory sam kupuję produkty SAM-E dostępne na Ebay u i wyglądają jak zwykłe tabsy zapakowane w blistry, bez żadnej magii. Natomiast czytając w internecie natrafiłem na coś takiego :

Manufacturing Considerations
SAM-e is very expensive to manufacture and is highly unstable in raw form due to its hydroscopic nature. Its instability makes storage and transport of SAM-e both difficult and costly. In Europe, SAM-e supplements are refrigerated to ensure stability. However, salts are added to SAM-e supplements prior to tabulation in the United States. The types of stabilising salts used for this purpose include butanedisulfonate, tosylate, disulfate tosylate, and disulfate ditosylate. Thus SAM-e products vary from one company to another due to the type of stabilising salt used.
The SAM-e Controversy
No standard exists on the type or amount of stabilising salt required in SAM-e supplements. The stabilising compounds that are used can weigh as much as the SAM-e molecule itself and can impact the amount of active ingredient in the final product. Therefore, customers may not always get what they pay for when buying SAM-e supplements. An independent study conducted by ConsumerLab.com evaluated thirteen different brands of SAM-e to determine if the amount of active ingredient conformed to labelled amounts and found that six brands did not meet this criterion. The brands that failed had less than half the active ingredient reported on the label.
Which Type of Stabilising Salt Works Best?
Although there is no recommended standard on what type of stabilising salt should be used, many within the industry feel that butanedisulfonate is the most effective SAM-e stabiliser. Companies that market the butanedisulfonate form of SAM-e usually advertise in their literature that they are selling the most stable form of SAM-e on the market. BASF Corporation is the largest commercial producer of SAM-e and holds a patent on the butanedisulfonate stabilising compound. BASF's primary customers are General Nutrition Companies (GNC) and Pharmavite Corporation, who are both licensed to used butanedisulfonate in their SAM-e supplements. Other companies such as Natrol and Twinlab use alternative stabilising salts like tosylate, disulfate tosylate, or disulfate ditosylate in their SAM-e products. Below is a list of selected companies marketing SAM-e supplements with the form of stabilising salt identified for each company's SAM-e brand.

Czy ktoś z Was wie jak to się ma do rzeczywistości? Chciałbym użyć tego związku jako jeden ze składników suplementu składającego się z wielu składników. Czy jest możliwe mieszanie dowolnej formy ustabilizowanej z innymi środkami nie tracąc jej wartości?


24 mar 2018, o 17:42
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